Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update and new workout plus upcoming hike

It's time for us to change our workout routine. This time, as a die hard WWE fan, we've found Randy Orton's workout routine. here is what it consists of.

QUICK RUNDOWN: I try to do Cardio on the treadmill at a slight incline for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. I train abdominals 3-5 times a week. Chest, Shoulders, Back, Legs, once a week. I do Biceps and Triceps on the same day once a week. I try to work my neck 3 times a week, and my forearms the same. Stretching is very important to me. I stretch before and after i train.


DAY 1: Legs superset Thigh Extensions w/ Leg Curls : 4 sets - 12-20 reps.

DAY 2: Chest Incline BB Bench : 3 sets - 20 reps. Incline DB Bench : 5 sets - 6 reps. Flat Bench : 4 sets 8 - 12 reps. Cable Crossovers : 3 sets - 15 reps. *every other week I do 10 sets of 10 pushups, with hands on a bench

DAY 3: Back Pulldowns : 3 sets - 20 reps. Seated Cable Rows : 3 sets - 12 reps. T-Bar Rows : 3 sets - 10 reps. Bent Over Rows : 3 sets - 20 reps. Lower Back Ext. : 3 sets - 15 reps. *one set of pullups to failure*

DAY 4 : Shoulders Side Laterals : 3 sets - 15 reps. Front Laterals : 3 sets - 15 reps. Rear Laterals : 3 sets - 15 reps. Arnold Presses : 4 sets - 8 - 12 reps. Upright Rows : 3 sets - 8 - 12 reps.

DAY 5 : Triceps + Biceps Pushdowns : 3 sets - 20 reps. French Curls : 3 sets - 8-12 reps. Overhead Tri Ext : 3 sets - 8-12 reps. Closegrip Pushdowns : 3 sets - 15 reps. Alt. DB Curls : 3sets - 10reps. Alt. DB Hammer Curls : 3 sets - 8 reps. BB Curls : 3 sets - 8 reps. Cable Curls : 3 sets - 8 reps.

So how does this sound? Pretty brutal eh? The only concern that i have about it is the time i'm not crazy about working one muscle group once a week. But we'll see what happens. So far, i'm a freak and have responded to these workouts. My arms are getting cut and i'm down to a size 32 jeans, but my weight hasn't gone down. The arms of my dress shirts have started feeling tight and my chest, neck and shoulder muscles are the beginnings of Batista! I have a few new pairs of jeans that fit rather snug but have generated comments from my female acquaintances....this is both good and bad. Never really been a fan of jeans until recently because they would never fit me right.

I'm starting a brutal cardio routine too on the treadmill in preparation for the North Carolina hike in the spring. The route itself isn't too complicated, but I want to be able to just crush the elevation gains like nothing....i need to find something to do with all of this testosterone my body is producing (no steroids involved).

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