Friday, August 14, 2009

What to eat for breakfast

Why you need breakfast

Everyone knows the age old adage about "breakfast being the most important meal of the day". It's supposed to fuel our bodies for the activities that we have in store for our day. This is true, however, it's not good for us to fill ourselves with donuts, bagels, pancakes, french toast and sugary syrups. Eating these kinds of things will open up our fat cells and actually make our bodies more inclined to gain weight, store fat, and crave the wrong foods. Choosing the right things to eat for breakfast will give our bodies the energy that we need and, by eating low glycemic food, helps our bodies recognise these foods as something we can utilize and burn it rather than store it.

Here are 3 things that you can make in the morning that are fast and easy, and won't bust the glycemic index.

3 easy things

No one likes to roll out of bed in the morning and start fixing food. It's so important to our well being that getting up 10 minutes early will be worth it when you start seeing and feeling the results. Once again, nothing worth doing is ever easy. The 3 things here can be made in a few minutes.....I couldn't find any photos to include so please pardon my hub sans photos.

Orangesickle Breakfast Drink - Remember those orange push ups that you used to get from the ice cream man? Well, this is the same thing minus all of the sugar and high fructose corn syrup. It is a low glycemic, natural variation of a Carnation Instant Breakfast without the sugar. You're going to be really surprised how easy it is to make it....

1 12 oz glass of Tropicana Pure Premium Orange juice. You want the kind with lots of pulp because this is the lowest glycemic orange juice out there (and the most expensive).

2 tablespoons of dry milk.

Stir up until blended. You can't go wrong with this one....

Egg Sandwich - This is a timeless classic...but healthy. If you make this with cracked wheat bread, you'll have a nice breakfast that your body can use.

Microwave 2 scrambled eggs in a microwave safe bowl for 2 minutes or so, at the same time, put your 2 slices of bread in the toaster. When done, combine. Now you've got a nutritious breakfast.

Power Oatmeal - This is a great thing to eat in the wintertime. A good, hot oatmeal goes a long way for me when it's cold. Make sure you use the old fashioned kind...the kind that you have to cook for a while. But I'll show you an easy way.

Place 3/4 cup of Old Fashioned oatmeal in a microwave safe bowl. Add enough water to cover the oatmeal. Microwave on high for 3 minutes. This will be really hot so be careful when you take it out. Add a tablespoon or two of sugar free applesauce and some cinnamon and your off to the races.

I hope that you've enjoyed this hub and start eating a good breakfast every morning. All you have to do is decide to do it, and follow through.

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