Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Diet and depression

I was recently reading an article at psych central about how what you eat effects depression. I thought it was interesting because I've recently found that sugar affects my symptoms of depression.

As a healthy guy who tries to eat "clean", avoid most sugar, and work out every day. I can say that within the last month or so, I've experienced a few self destructive meltdowns and both times can be traced back to sugar intake. One day not long ago, the folks at work had gobs of M&M's of which I ate freely....the next day at around 3pm, I was overcome with a really really bad mood. The time before that, it was my mom's home made brownies...the day after was the same effects....really pissed off mood and the need to isolate myself.

I told my med doctor about this and he only quipped something about "stay away from sugar if it makes you feel like that" (he's the stereotypical psychiatrist).

The gist of the article was talking about how folks who eat processed foods are more apt to suffer from depression than those who eat whole foods. I've always thought there was some sort of connection between food and mental health.....

Now it appears to be so.

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